About Us

The Fgura Scout Group was established in 29th November 1987 and now we have over 120 uniformed members in 5 Sections. We have a Beaver Section, a Pack Section, a Troop Section, a Venture Unit and a Rover Crew. Also we have the Group Band, which was formed in 2002. This group is a member of the South District of the Scout Associaton of Malta.

Apart from the local and national activities, the Group also participates in overseas activities and frequently hosts the First Woodend Scout Group of Bristol-UK for our traditional exchange visits.

Since 2003, we have beem actively taking part in JOTI/JOTA with our radio call sign being FSG-9H3 and IRC nicks FSG1/2/3...

Our Mission

To contribute to the education of young people, through a value system based on the Promise and Law, to help build a better world, where people are self fulfilled as individuals and play a constructive role in society.

We achieve this by:

  • Involving young people through their formative years in a non-formal education process.
  • Using a specific method that makes each individual the principal agent in his or her development as a self-reliant, supportive and committed person.
  • Assisting them to establish a value system based upon spiritual, social and personal principles as expressed in the Promise and Law.

Our Aim

The Aim of Scouting is to encourage the physical, intellectual, emotional, social, spiritual and character development of young people so that they take a constructive place in society as a member of their local, national and international community.


The Principles of Scouting, as identified by the founder, Lord Baden-Powell, are that Scouts serve their God, act in consideration of the needs of others and develop and use their abilities to the betterment of themselves, their families and the community in which they live.

Our History

Since 1987

The first troop meeting was held at the Fgura Parish Centre on the 18th July 1987. A group of about 30 boys aged between 8 and 14 years attended this meeting chaired by Mr. Paul Camilleri as prospective Group Scout Leader.

The idea of founding a Scout Group in Fgura was initially suggested by Fr. Guido Micallef O. Carm. to Mr. P. Camilleri who had a long experience in scouting. Fr. Micallef also offered the use of the church basement for meetings which were to be held every Saturday morning from 1000 hours to 1130 hours. Eventually Mr. J. Tabone was asked by Mr. Paul Camilleri to lend a hand with the Troop.

First Camp

In September, just two months after the first meeting, a camp was organised at the First Cospicua Scout Group Headquarters. This activity was possible because the Cospicua Scouts generously offered all the necessary equipment as well as their premises in the true spirit of scouting. During the activity a number of scouts were introduced to scouting skills.

First Council Meeting

Also in September, the first Council meeting was held. The council was mainly formed from parents and old scouts. The first item on the agenda of this meeting was the official opening of the group in November 1987. In October, even before its official opening, the group made another step forward. Such was the interest that a Cub section was formed which section immediately had 30 young boys. The meetings for this section were also held in the Church basement.

During the first weeks of November another training camp was organised for the Patrol Leaders. Again the venue was the Cospicua Scouts Headquarters. During this activity the first investitures were held.

29th November 1987 marked the official opening of the Fgura Scout Group. The event started with a thanksgiving Mass which was followed by a number of special activities.
The Investiture ceremony of the whole Troop was held and the first District Parade passed through the main streets of Fgura.

At this point the Group consisted of 28 Troop members and 30 Cub Scouts with Mr. P. Camilleri as Group Scout Leader (GSL), Mr. Joseph Tabone as Scout Leader (SL) and Mr. T. Xerri as the Cub Scout Leader (CSL). Another three parents were assisting without uniform. The wish of the Chaplain to use the beige and brown, the colours of the Carmelite Fathers for the Groups Scarf was taken up.

In 1990, Mr. P. Camilleri had to resign from Group Scout Leader to take up duties at the Island Head Quarters. Mr. J. Tabone was given the responsibility of running the Group.


Our Band

The setting up of the group band has been the result of hard work and heavy investment but the result is more than satisfactory. 2002 has seen the Fgura Scout Group participate in the Annual Parade lead by its own 16 strong band..

Group Leaders & Members

Group Scout Leader
Brian Farrugia

Asst Group Scout Leaders
Keith Abela
Joanne Pisani
Brian Farrugia

Beaver Section Leaders:

Beaver Scout Leader
Stephen Tonna

Asst Beaver Scout Leaders
Mark Cassar
Helen Demanuele

Beaver Scout Support Leaders
Shirley Agius
Jessica Barbara

Auxiliary Beaver Scout Leaders
Mark Cassar
Sandra Lanzon
Romaine Dimech

Pack Section Leaders:

Cub Scout Leader
Ruth Farrugia

Asst Cub Scout Leaders
Alex Bezzina
Ismael Zammit
Antoinette Pace
Isabella Camilleri

Cub Scout Support Leaders
Charlene Pace
Lorraine Zammit Tabone

Troop Section Leaders:

Scout Leader
Gail Spiteri

Asst Scout Leader
David Harris

Scout Support Leader
Liana Buhagiar

Auxiliary Scout Leaders
Keith Abela
David Harris

Venture Unit Section Leaders:

Venture Scout Leaders
Jason Nappa
justin magro

Auxiliary Venture Scout Leaders
Elise Agius
Russell Camilleri
Jade Nappa
Steven Borg
Anthea Farrugia
Tracy Zerafa

Rover Crew Section Leaders:

Asst Rover Scout Leaders
Shaun Cassar
Ryan Zerafa
Keown Camilleri
Jean Paul Giordimaina

Auxiliary Rover Scout Leaders
Justin Magro
Keown Camilleri

Band Section Leaders:

Band Leaders
Glenn Joseph Galea
Duncan Ellul

Council Members:

Council Chairperson
Francis Zammit

Council Secretary
Maria Schembri

Shaun Cassar

Asst Treasurer
Annalise Caruana

Council Members
Kenneth Zammit
Gordon Galea

HQ Administrator
Louise Zammit

James Baldacchino

  • Wed 18th Sep 1700-1800 Band - Band Rehearsal for Bagpipes & Glockenspiels @HQ
  • Wed 18th Sep 1800-1930 Band - Band Meeting @HQ
  • Wed 18th Sep 1830-1930 Beavers - Personal Hygiene @HQ
  • Fri 20th Sep 1700-2000 Pack - Spiritual (+LB ) & (+MOB) @Gnien il-Glaziz -Cospicua
  • Fri 20th Sep 1730-1930 Troop - Games and Pre-hike Inspection +MOV @HQ
  • Sat 21st Sep - Sun 22nd Sep 0730-1700 Troop - 35km Expedition @HQ