
Consent / Health / Early Departure Forms

A completed Consent and Approval form is required for all members participating in any activity outside the Group Headquarters.

Consent Form Under 18


A completed Health form is required for all members participating in an overnight activity such as a Camp.

Health Form


The policy of the Scout Association of Malta and that of the Fgura Scout Group requires the specific permission of a parent or legal guardian before allowing any member under the age of 18 years to leave any meeting, activity or camp early and unattended.

Early Departure Form

Non Cash Payments to FSG

Scout Uniform & Badge Visuals

Beaver Uniform
Pack Uniform
Troop Uniform
Venture Unit Uniform
Rover Crew Uniform
Adult Leaders Uniform

  • Wed 17th Jul 1800-2015 Beavers - A walk around Mdina @HQ
  • Wed 17th Jul 1800-1930 Band - Band Meeting @HQ
  • Fri 19th Jul 1800-2130 Troop - Night Hike +MOV @Marsaskala Parish church
  • Fri 19th Jul 1815-2145 Pack - Night Hike (+MOB) and (+LB) @HQ
  • Fri 19th Jul 1900-2300 Unit - Joint activity with Marsa Scout Group @Polverista
  • Mon 22nd Jul 1715-1945 Group - EIJ only- Mass before we depart @Bulebel