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2014-03-31 Rounders with the Crew
2014-03-15 Team Building Games
2014-03-09 Car boot Sale
2014-03-07 Overnight Hike 20km
2014-02-15 Wood Carving
2014-02-08 Games
2013-11-30 Joint Activity with Beavers
2013-09-13 One Night Camp and BBQ at Ghajn Tuffieha
2013-09-09 Car Wash Fund Raising Activity
2013-08-30 Diving
2013-08-25 Summer Aqua Camp at Birzebbuga
2013-06-21 BBQ and Beach Activity
2013-05-24 Sessions
2013-04-12 Games
2013-04-02 Joint Activity with 1st Woodend Scout Group
2013-01-18 AGM
2013-01-11 Stove Making
2012-12-21 Bowling and Christmas Dinner
2012-12-14 Coconut Balls
2012-12-07 Winter SPY Camp
2012-11-30 DVD Night
2012-11-23 Joint Football Match with Bormal and Zejtun Scouts
2012-11-10 Visit to an elderly home Villa Robinich
2012-10-26 Expedition
2012-10-20 Mapping Session
2012-03-10 Service at Stores
2008-12-26 Winter Camp at AC
2008-12-07 Joint Hike with Rabat at Gozo
2008-09-12 Beach Activity and BBQ
2008-09-06 Stores Service
2008-03-20 Expedition
2008-01-01 Mixed
2007-03-07 Climbing at Wied Babu
2002-12-15 Zurrieq Abseiling
2002-04-10 Rafting
2002-01-01 Other Activities